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The agnathe class is nicknamed jawless fish. They do not have a jaw so they attach to prey with a disk shaped mouth. Their bodies are like a eels body. They lack paired fins and bones.

Hagfish is an example of an agnathe. Hagfish are bottom dwellers and they live in salt water. they have a plate like tongue that rip flesh off of organisms. They can tie themselves in knots so they can't be preyed on.














The chondrichthyes class is nicknamed cartilaginous fish. they have a skeleton made up of cartilage. They are predators that have paired fins and a jaw. Sharks have up to six to twenty rows of teeth.  They have scales that are called placoid scales, that feel like sand paper. They constantly swim due to they do not have a air bladder. 












The Osteichthyes class is nicknamed bony fish.  They have paired fins, bony skeleton and jaws. There are two major groups of Osteichthyes and they are ray finned fish and the lobe finned fish.  Ray finned fish are common fish that have air bladders as well as scales that are called cycloid which help camouflage that gives protection in the water.  While Lobed finned fish live in shallow ponds and have gills and lungs. One fish that was thought to be exstinct is the coelacanth fish. they lacked rays and had fleshy skin.


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