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Mammals digestive system starts out with the mouth and with the help of salivary glands that produce saliva. Mammals saliva contain enzymes called amylase which helps chemical digestion of carbohydrates. With in your mouth are teeth. Mammals front teeth help with biting, cutting and seizing prey. Canines help grip and puncture into their prey. The incisors also help to cut. The back teeth help with mammals chewing, grinding even crushing. The molars and premolars help grind up food.  when mammals swallow it goes to the esophagus which takes it to the stomach by using a motion called peristalsis which is a wave like movement that pushes the food down. The cardiac sphincter keeps the food going in one direction. it the food comes back up it causes heart burn. The cardiac sphincter is a ring of muscle at the end of the esophagus. the stomach is a muscular sac that has a special lining to protect it from acids. chemicals help break down proteins. After a while it goes through the pyloric sphincter to go to the small intestines.he pyloric sphincter keeps food moving from the stomach to the small intestines. the small intestines are split into three sections. the Duodenum which carries chyme to the jejunum. The jejunum is where carbs, proteins and liquids are digested and absorbs into the blood stream. ileum takes undugested material to the large intestines but it has villi which increases the surface area. the large intestines removes excess water and takes it to the rectum to be stored till it exits out of the anus.

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