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Mammals excretory system filters out and eliminates metabolic waste and help maintain homeostasis. it gets rid of excess water , salt, vitamins, toxins, minerals and heat. nitrogenous waste is converted to urea in the liver. the kidney is mad up of more then one million nephrons which are filtering units.  the blood enters through the renal artery blood then pushed through the nephrons where excess water, salt, toxins, minerals, and urea is filtered out. blood the then taken to the bowman's capsules. the capsules filled with a ball of blood vessels. all substances are filtered out and the clean blood is re entered back into the circulatory system. The kidney parts is the cortex which is the outer portion of the kidney. the medulla is the inner region and the renal pelvis is the hollowed out area where all waste gathers. All nephrons empty out into the renal pelvis. when the renal pelvis empties it empties into the ureter which leads to the bladder. the bladder stores liquid wast until it is time the exit through the urethra.

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