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Amphibians digestive system starts in the mouth they have two types of teeth one  to Grip and hold prey and the other to Force it down gullet. they do not chew their food like mammals do. It then goes to the Pharynx which is the back of the troat. It then goes to the gullet which is the opening to the esophagus.form the esophagus it goes to the stomach. the stomach is where protein digests. then it travels to the small intestine but it has no pyloric caeca. this is where proteins, lipids, & carbs. digest an get enzymes from pancreas or intestions. the liver makes bile and gall bladder stores the bile. after it is in the small intestines it goes to the large intestines. this is where excess water is removed. no digestion happens in the large molecules are also absorbed into blood stream and stores food until sent to cloaca to be removed. the cloaca is similar to the urogenital opening but both the digestive and the urogenital systems meet there. the cloaca stores urine, sex cells, & feces until released out of the vent..

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